
Friday, 21 August 2020

Egg Drop Challenge

This week we have been doing a egg dropping project about keeping are egg safe by making a box to make are egg safer so it won't break. After a while of making are safe box for the egg we dropped it up upstairs and me and my friends egg didn't break.

Here's what we used

bubble wrap
- fluff 
- foam
- newspaper
- hair tie
- bits of fabric on the floor
- tape
- toilet paper


  1. Hi Casey, That sound's amazing. I have always wanted to do that. I have read it in a book before. The book was dairy of a wimpy kid. But I don't remember what version. Bye have a good day. From Lily. By the way if you want to check out my blog here it is. 😜😜😜❤❤❤😎😎😎

  2. Hi Casey,
    This is your friend from last year Joshvaa. I really like your post. This reminds me of the experiment we did at our old school. Good Job. Bye. You can also check out my blog.


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