Magical Tiger by Casey
One day there was a Human being called Emma. Emma
Was a Venture tape she loved to Venture animals and
Sea animals Ro jungle animals one time she sow a
Tiger one girl Said (that this was a magical tiger) she
She never believed her. But she was Telling the truth
But she never know. She said (then take a Ride on it)
So what did she do… she Took a Ride on it. The tiger
wilkes nicely and slowly. She looked around on the
Tiger it did nothing then She saw a Magical key on the
Tiger. Then when She was about to get off to get the necklace…
BOM the Magical key Send them to another dimension
She was shocked. She looked at all of the Mountains
Then She thinks to herself (the tiger is Magical) then she changed her Mind...
to go on adventures with the Magical Tiger she now knows that the
Tiger was magical after all. after all These Years by searching
She did it. (but the little girl did it... oh well the end) :3